
Setting release notes for builds in ADT

Last updated on February 24, 2025


This guide explains how to set release notes for each build using the ADT Command Line Interface (CLI). By adding release notes, you can document changes, improvements, or fixes associated with a specific build version, making it easier for teams to track updates.


Before proceeding, ensure that you:

  1. Have ADT CLI downloaded and opened in a terminal.

  2. Have an API key for authentication (refer to Manage multiple API keys document).

Command usage

To set release notes for a build, execute the following command:

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe build set-release-notes --string <your_release_notes> --version-id <your_version_id> --build-id <your_build_id> --namespace <your_namespace> --apikey <your_apikey>
Main commandSub commandOptions and Parameters
buildset-release-notes--stringSet the release notes or change list
--apikeySet the ADT game's API key.
--version-idSet the version ID.
--build-idSet the build ID.
--namespaceSet the name of the namespace.

Example usage

Suppose you want to set release notes stating "Fixed crash issue on startup" for a build with the following details:

  • Version ID: 12345

  • Build ID: 67890

  • Namespace: mygame-namespace

  • API Key: abcd1234

You would run:

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe build set-release-notes --string "Fixed crash issue on startup" --version-id 12345 --build-id 67890 --namespace mygame-namespace --apikey abcd1234
Additional Notes
  • Ensure that release notes provide clear and concise information for easier tracking.

  • Use proper versioning practices to maintain consistency across builds.