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What's New 2023.3.4

Last updated on October 23, 2024

General updates

Release date: November 1st, 2023

Component versions

The 2023.3.4 patch release contains the following component versions:

  • ADT Hub v1.0.7
  • ADT Web v1.25.21
  • ADT CLI v2.19.0

Launch with options menu is moved

Hub Label

The launch with option menu which was previously available under the three dots (ellipsis) button is moved to the new button beside the Play button.

Previous position of launch with option

We moved it because the previous position was not relevant to launching the build. With the new "down arrow" button beside the Play button, you can launch multiple instances with the launch arguments attached to the build/track, or Play with my Launch argument menu.

Play with my launch arguments

Adding headinfo command for Track

CLI Label

We're adding the functionality to get the head of track. Using this command will provide you with the build id, build name, and created date and time of the build being set to a track. Use the following command to get the head build of a track:

./BlackBoxCLI.exe track headinfo --namespace <your namespace> --apikey <your game apikey> --track-id <track-id>

The success response should be:

<8646bb7a-debd-467d-a87b-67b836ea3808> (Accelbyte-wind-development), 27 Oct 2023, 02:03:15

Bug fixes


Web Label

  • Fixed the odd behavior when renaming the builds using restricted valid characters.


Hub Label

  • Added the ability to adjust column width.
  • Added the ability to play from the My builds menu. This only applies to Windows build.
  • Added a message that shows the separation between the operation that impacts other people (global operation) and the operation that impacts only one user (local operation).
  • Added the ability to keep my launch argument from Play with my launch arg option.
  • Added the refresh button on the top-right of the channel page to refresh the channel's content.
  • Added a read permission to the User role that allows the role to view the global launch arguments.
  • Fixed the issue on the Launch with Options not being available on cards in the Versions tab.
  • Added a new menu to launch another instance when the game is already playing.
  • Added the ability to keep a user's launch argument from the Play with my launch arg option as the default.
  • Fixed the issue on the global auto-update not updating properly.