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Introduction to fulfillment

Last updated on July 10, 2024


The AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Fulfillment service is used to grant entitlements, coins, etc., to players that they have purchased or otherwise earned. This service works with other AGS Commerce services to distribute items to your players.

One example flow of the Fulfillment service would be like the following, the Orders service will send information about a newly placed order to the Fulfillment service. Then, the Entitlement service and the Catalog service will work together to check the availability of the item. If the item is available, it will be granted to the player. Another example would be If a player purchases an item or redeems a promotional code, the Fulfillment service works to ensure that they receive that item immediately.

Key concepts

Before moving forward to the next step, it is important to understand some concepts that will be used throughout the documentation.

  • Item fulfillment: item will be granted as normal entitlement, season pass, level and distribution(cross namespace purchase in distribution mode) in entitlement service and credit balance in wallet service based on the item information.
  • Code redemption: redeemed campaign code and fulfill code related to virtual items. For more information, refer to the Code Redemption guide.

Service architecture

Fulfillment Architecture