
AGS 3.10.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Release Date: November 22nd, 2021

  • Current UE4 SDK Version: 7.2.1
  • Current Unity SDK Version: 8.1.0

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Cloud 3.10.0:


  • Third-party Login with Apple ID and Facebook

    AccelByte Cloud 3.10.0 includes support for third-party login with Apple ID or Facebook. Now you can enable your players to log into your game or platform using these credentials.

  • Support for Multiple Images in UGC

    Our UGC Management service now supports multiple image upload, so players can upload more than one image of their creations to your game.

  • Improved User Search in the Admin Portal

    The Users menu in the Admin Portal now lets you search for users based on their third-party user names.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Get User Profiles in Bulk

    We've added a new endpoint to our API that lets you retrieve players' User IDs in bulk.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • The Unity SDK has been restructured as a Unity Package Manager (UPM) package, to make it easier to use.
  • Moved the Testing Mode toggle for the Analytics Dashboard to the Platform Configurations menu in the Admin Portal.
  • Added the new Media item type for media assets in the Catalog service.
  • Added an option to enable removing the matchmaking ticket owned by a player when that player disconnects.
  • Fixed an issue where the MAU chart in the Analytics Dashboard occasionally displayed the wrong month.