
AGS 3.58.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Release date: September 25th, 2023

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK latest version:

Extend SDK (previously known as Server Side SDK) latest version:

DSuploader latest version

  • Armada DS Uploader: 1.6.0

Here's a look at what's new in AGS 3.58.0:


  • Extend Override and Event Handler are now in open beta!
    • We're thrilled to share that Extend has entered the Open Beta stage! Following a period of Closed Beta testing, we're now ready to offer access to everyone. Extend Override and Event Handler will be available on your environment as soon as your next environment maintenance. Join us today to be among the pioneers in experiencing this exciting feature!
    • You can read further about Extend Override on the Override AGS Feature page.
    • You can read further about Extend Event Handler on the Events Handler page.
  • UGC CDN now supports Akamai.
  • UGC now supports versioning. You will be able to revert back to the past five UGC versions.
  • AIS Dashboard and AIS Connector are released for closed lighthouse customers.
  • Introducing new Admin endpoints to set up a countries blacklist from account registrations.
  • Sony/PSN Commerce Management (CM) Web API Integration.
    • Third-party Store Integrations and Cross-Commerce for PSN is now able to be integrated with Sony's CM Web API.

Breaking Changes

  • Protect DS information from players who are not active in the session.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Admin Portal

  • Fixed Lobby toggle positioning in Starter Lobby Configuration.
  • Fixed Unable to type “-” in max numbers field when trying to create a new code redemption.
  • Added Now button to the Access Log date and time picker.
  • Fixed Game Admin able to access publisher namespace by changing the namespace directly from the URL
  • Fixed Create a new Namespace in Starter trigger no permission page.
  • Fixed List of countries in Starter registration page is not in alphabetical order.
  • Fixed Wrong translation in Lobby Confirmation modal in Chinese localization.
  • Some toggles within the IAM Input Validations menus in the Admin Portal (Platform Configurations > IAM Input Validations) should now behave properly independently from each other:
    • Allow Space
    • Allow Special Characters
    • Allow Unicode Characters
  • The Access Logs page in the Admin Portal (Platform Configurations > Input Validations) will now use a “Load More” behavior rather than “Pagination.”
    • This means that there will be a Load More button at the bottom of longer lists, rather than the options of Prev/Next.
  • Improved validation for max active session.
  • Exposed enable profanity status toggle in Chat Configuration.
  • The -1 value for max active session is now accepted in Session Templates.
  • Disabled onChange handle if no permission is enabled in Custom Function.
  • Fixed the pagination logic of Friend List tab in user detail page.
  • The Show Import Complete modal when import chat profanity filter is successful.
  • The Show Custom Function in the AGS Starter Admin Portal.
  • Fixed UI implementation in Transient Messages page.
  • Fixed UI implementation in Custom Function page.
  • Fixed redirect URL in Matchmaking Ruleset.
  • Adjusted Session Details in Server Information for AccelByte Multiplayer Servers (AMS).
  • Fixed failure when searching achievements issue.

App Editor

  • Fixed unable to access Login Website configuration when multiple game templates are selected.


  • Fixed the game can be installed even though there is not enough disk space.
  • Fixed uninstall launcher during the game download will make the Play button enter an infinite loading state.
  • Fixed download game process is only displayed for a few seconds right after the Install button is clicked.
  • Added a retry file operation if the game files is getting locked by another app during the download process.

Player Portal

  • Fixed Display issue in My Profile when a very long email is being used and if Player Portal is not set in full screen.
  • Fixed Player Portal's content and header will overlap if sticky header configuration (from App Editor) is disabled.
  • Password strength meter should no longer be shown when a user enters an invalid password during the account creation process in the Player Portal.


  • Bypassed reset an empty backfill ticketID.
  • PSN push context can be configured in party attributes.
  • Fixed unable to patch update game session minPlayers to 0.

Matchmaking v2

  • sessionID has been set as optional when requesting matchmaking.
  • Added lock for metric send.
  • Fixed balance with only one alliance.
  • Fixed delete backfill ticket and add metrics if match sessionID isn't empty.
  • Added flexing rules validation.


  • Fixed handle userDisconnectRequested when the user is connected to remote lobby pod.
  • Fixed remove friends when the user account is deleted.
  • Fixed disable friends from linked accounts when the publisher account is disabled.
  • Improved total online user metrics by region.
  • Improved total online user metrics by platform.
  • Added metrics and alerts on the number of players experiencing a disconnect.
  • S2S friend sync for Steam.


  • Improved and lessened time duration for applying the flexing rule process.
  • Fixed balance with only one alliance.


  • Improved the profanity processor filter function.
  • Improved bulk operations.
  • Auto-create missed topics on enabling clan chat.
  • Added enable/disable bulk profanity filter.
  • Added metrics to show the number of messages being sent.
  • Added metrics to show the utilization of session chat when it is enabled.
  • Increased WebSocket read limit size.

Game SDK

  • [Unity] Removed the dependency on Nunit and changed it to UnityEngine.Assertions.
  • [Unreal] Telemetry events do not write to disk by default.


  • Implemented improvements for DSHub, QoSM, DSUS, and DSMC to support Redis Cluster.
  • Fixed Overshoot issue when using Override Version.