
AGS 3.59.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Release date: October 9th, 2023

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK latest version:

Extend SDK (previously known as Server Side SDK) latest version:

DSuploader latest version:

  • Armada DS Uploader: 1.6.0

Here's a look at what's new in AGS 3.59.0:


  • Introducing flexible and dynamic bundle pricing configuration in the Admin Portal. Admins can now set dynamic pricing for bundles, depending on items owned by players.

  • Registration for Extend Service Extension Closed Beta for AGS Premium customers will be open starting from October 10th, 2023!

    • With Extend Custom Service, you can create your own new custom service hosted in AGS. The Extend Custom Service provides service endpoints that are callable by your game via a REST call. Check out our Extend Getting Started guide.

    • If you're an AGS Premium customer and interested in participating as a Closed Beta partner, you can apply through our Customer Support Portal. Check out the benefits and expectations of being a Closed Beta partner here.

  • [Unreal Engine] The AccelByte Game SDK now supports Unreal Engine 5.3.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Purchasing Requirements configuration now supports Season Pass and Season Tier as Subject options.
  • Validations are now implemented during the Store import process to make sure that the data imported will work with the target namespace.
  • The season pass update now allows easy season pass configuration with the upgraded Admin Portal UI.
  • The season pass now supports data configuration export in CSV format.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Admin Portal

  • Removed duplicate roles and permissions to speed up the login process.
  • Fixed the position of date and time picker in Game Telemetry that blocks the "Invalid format" pop-up message.
  • Fixed issue on Game Admins being unable to access the Chat Configs.
  • Fixed issue clicking the next page on the Entitlement List redirecting to a blank page.
  • Fixed issue on some characters (: and -) not being allowed to be inputted to the date and time picker when using the Admin Portal in Mozilla Firefox.
  • Fixed issue on statistic config not clearing immediately from cache after deletion.
  • Reset query pagination when changing tabs in a user's Friends page.
  • Changed the tooltip description for the Max Player field in Session Template.
  • Fixed error validation on Ruleset Name.
  • Added onKeypress Enter event handler to the search feature on the Search History page.
  • The gRPC/Custom chat filter profanity is now hidden.
  • Rollback option is now removed from Published Store.
  • Added an environment variable to support Redis mode in the Social service.

App Editor

  • Fixed issue on admins being able to save the HTML editor even though it is empty.
  • Fixed display issue in header and footer customization when the browser is zoomed out.
  • Reorganized the App Editor sidebar menu in Admin Portal.
  • Added a new feature flag to hide the AccelByte Avatars feature.


  • Added a quick shortcut button in Launcher's settings to access the log files.
  • Fixed the Launcher not responding when the installation directory is changed for the first time.
  • Fixed the Launcher download repeatedly pausing when the internet connection is unstable.
  • Fixed the Launcher being unable to open the login page via a web browser.

Player Portal

  • Fixed issue on the Option box's image preview not showing anything.
  • Fixed issue on the Unavailable state still displaying on the homepage when the user already owns the game.

Session Worker

  • Fixed missing partyCode on SendPartyMembersChangedNotification.