
AGS 3.60.0 リリースノート

Last updated on September 6, 2024

Release date: October 23th, 2023

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK latest version:

Extend SDK (previously known as Server SDK) latest version:

DSuploader latest version:

  • Armada DS Uploader: 1.6.0

Here's a look at what's new in AGS 3.60.0:


  • Flexible Bundle pricing support added in the Unreal Engine OSS

Quality of Life Changes

  • Improved the launcher's GUID roaming folder by combining the two folders created in the AppData folder upon installation (AccelByte Launcher and io.accelbyte.demo) into one (io.accelbyte.demo).
  • DLC Sync now supports EOS in the Unreal Engine OSS.
  • Added support for multiple currencies for the Store offer item in the Unreal Engine OSS.
  • Fixed compile warnings due to the usage of monolithic headers in Unreal Engine SDK
  • Introduced specific search queries for hidden content on UGC service.
  • Introduced a new admin endpoint to modify and delete content by share code in the UGC service.
  • Introduced export Season Pass configuration to .csv. You can now export the Season Pass configuration to .json and .csv.
  • Introduced the ability to extend the season end date on Season Pass using Admin Portal. You can now extend your season end date on Admin Portal.
  • Added the ability to cache IAM platform user data and load from the cache when getting data from IAM in Lobby service fails.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Admin Portal

  • The Document URL field has been added to the Version Details page of Legal Management in the Admin Portal. Clicking this field redirects the user to the page of the specified legal document.
  • The +Add more button on the details page of an IAM Client now functions properly even when the Redirect URI field has an invalid value.
  • Character encoding specification meta tags are no longer sanitized from HTML code when a legal document (in HTML format) is uploaded via the Legal Management menus.
  • Fixed broken breadcrumb link functionality on Game and the Player JSON record on the Cloud Save Admin Portal.
  • The start date and end date can now be adjusted using the date range when cloning the season in Season Pass.
  • A UI cue indicating that the season will soon end has been added on the Season pass Admin Portal.
  • The Admin Portal has been adjusted to auto-assign a content type when uploading UGC content based on its file extension.
  • Added isActive and isFull in Sessions and Parties table.
  • The Clan Chat feature has been implemented.
  • Fixed the error message that appears when duplicating an expired message in Transient Messages.
  • The Persistent option in the Session Templates that use AMS is now hidden.


  • Fixed the issue on the Overlay background color not being fully covered on the Purchase Item & Linked Account - Choose Platform preview page.
  • Added a launcher version on the Login screen.

Player Portal

  • Flexible or dynamic bundle pricing is now reflected in the Player Portal Store.


  • PSN_PUSH_CONTEXT_ID is now populated from player attributes.
  • Only IPs are now hidden instead of the whole server field when getting DSInformation.
  • A specific userId can now be overriden to a specific DSMC URL.
  • Fixed the issue where request DS was being called twice in enqueue DS request.
  • Added an admin endpoint for query game sessions and exposed status, status v2, requestedAt, and createdAt from DS Information.


  • Improved region calculation performance to request DS to get the best average latency for the players.


  • Users will now only be disconnected if the platformId is the same as the event from IAM.


  • New metrics (i.e., Creating, Busy, Ready, and Unreachable) for DSMC are now exposed on the total Server Overview Page.
  • Information about Artifact upload queue and currently uploading are now displayed in the Detail Historical Logs Page.

Game SDK

  • CheckUserAvailability API has been exposed in the Unity SDK.
  • Fixed a bug in the Unreal Engine SDK that caused a crash around region name comparison for DS.
  • Fixed a bug in the Unreal Engine SDK that caused EOS platform detection issues.