
AGS 3.9.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Release Date: November 8th, 2021

  • Current UE4 SDK Version: 7.1.1
  • Current Unity SDK Version: 8.0.0

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Cloud 3.9.0:


  • Support for Optional Match Parameters in Matchmaking

    Our Matchmaking service now supports optional match parameters. This allows you to define multiple parameters that you want to affect matchmaking, then choose whether players must be matched by matching all, any, or none of those parameters. The parameters and relationships can be defined in the Admin Portal.

  • New Joinable Sessions in Matchmaking

    We've added support for joinable sessions to our matchmaking service. Now you can offer players the option of joining a session that's already started, as opposed to a newly created session.

  • Added WebSocket Logs to Log Viewer

    In AccelByte Cloud 3.9.0 we've added WebSocket logs to our Log Viewer service, giving you even more information that can be used for troubleshooting should issues arise. We also added a new option to the Log Viewer that allows you to hide internal calls like health checks from the list of logs.

  • Custom Game Session Support for UE4

    Our UE4 SDK now supports custom game sessions, which can be configured by the player. This enables players to define their own matchmaking parameters, such as party size, whether the session is private, and so on.

  • New Function to See Player's Season Pass Progress for UE4

    We've added a new function to our UE4 SDK, which lets you retrieve a player's season pass progression. This gives you an easy way to see how far players have progressed within a season pass event.

  • Ethereum Address and Alchemy Integration

    AccelByte Cloud 3.9.0 includes the option for players to link an Ethereum account to their account in your game, enabling NFT support. Please note that this feature is still in early access; contact us for more information.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Sort and Pin Dedicated Server Images

    To make DS Image Management more user friendly, you can now pin selected DS images to the top of the image list, and sort images by date or version to quickly find the image you're looking for.

  • Improved User Invitation Flow

    To make it easier for your colleagues to get started testing your game, AccelByte 3.9.0 includes the ability to send invitations to create new players accounts via email. Now you can quickly send invites to your colleagues so that they can create a player account in your game.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Added options for Stadia and Steam to the 3rd-Party Store Integration field on the Item Details Page in the Admin Portal.
  • Fixed an issue where a shared resource would be freed multiple times, which could cause a game crash. This occurred when using ApiClient or the Custom SDK extension in the UE4 SDK
  • Fixed an issue in the Analytics Dashboard where total CCU hours were calculated inaccurately.
  • Added the new Python IAM SDK.
  • Added a configurable readyConsent timeout to the Lobby service.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't see whether all of their friends were online.