
AGS 3.31.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Release Date: September 12th, 2022

Client-Side SDK Latest Version:

  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unreal Engine: 16.2.0
  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unity: 15.1.0
  • AccelByte Cloud Network-Utilities: 2.4.1
  • AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.2.2
  • AccelByte Cloud OSS: 0.6.1

Server-Side SDK Latest Version:

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Cloud 3.31.0:


  • Multiplayer V2 released!

    Multiplayer V2 improves upon our original session-based player Matchmaking service to offer more flexibility and customization opportunities for developers. You can now use your own matchmaking functions to override functions in this service, as well as host of other new features which you can read about on our blog.

    :::details Related Endpoints

  • Invoice System

    You can now keep a track of invoices and items sold in your store during a set period of time.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Match Player Based on Secondary Role

    Matchmaking can now use more than one role value at a time, meaning you can match players based on their secondary role choices.

  • Input Validation for Email Addresses

    You can now customize email input validation in your platform to prevent spam email account registrations.

  • Query Player Record Size Limit API

    You can now check the available buffer size for each remaining player record using APIs.

    :::details Related Endpoints

  • Ban and Unban Users in Bulk APIs

    You can now bulk ban and unban users using APIs.

    :::details Related Endpoints

  • Auto Game Login using Cache

    You can now preserve the previous player session and allow the player to resume their last session without the need to enter credentials again. This feature has been implemented only for Steam accounts using Windows in this release, with more to come in future releases.

  • Reject Consent

    Players can now use Reject Consent in matchmaking to reject a game even once matched. This also gives players the ability to reject a match immediately instead of having to wait for the Ready Consent timer to expire.

Breaking Changes

  • In Armada, the value 0 is now recognized as meaning “no server” instead of “unlimited servers” in the Max. Deployment configuration.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • You can now see if an item has been sold using a custom price on the Order Details page.
  • You can now choose an unlimited count for the Max. Deployment configuration in Armada.
  • Fixed functional issues in Matchmaking.
  • Fixed a number of UI and functional issues in the App Editor, Launcher, and Player Portal.
  • Fixed and streamlined some functionalities on the Season Pass page.
  • Fixed issues where information wasn't displaying on the Payment Configuration, Session, and Party pages.