
AGS 3.44.0 リリースノート

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Release Date: March 14th, 2023

Client-Side SDK Latest Version:

  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unreal Engine: 21.3.0
  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unity: 15.14.0
  • AccelByte Cloud Network-Utilities: 2.9.0
  • AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.2.3
  • AccelByte Cloud OSS: 0.9.0

Server-Side SDK Latest Version:

DSuploader latest version: 1.4.3

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Cloud 3.44.0:


  • Additional Custom Match Function toggle in Match Configuration in the Admin Portal
  • Admin can now configure the following field via Admin Portal in Match Pool:
    • Auto-Accept Backfill Proposal
  • Override Match Function is now Override Specific Function in Match Pools and the toggle has been removed. Now it is a fillable field.
  • Adjustment in Admin Portal page on Session Template modal, it will only display these fields if Admin choose DS as the Session Type:
    • Deployment
    • Client Version
    • Requested Regions

Quality of Life Changes

  • Achievement update configuration behavior improvement. Admin can now flexibly update the configuration, as long as it hasn't been activated, or the status is tied.
  • Admin Portal page for Chat Configuration and Chat Profanity Filter. Admin can now do the following actions:
    • Chat Configuration
      • Select the database for the Chat filtering method (Default or gRPC)
      • Configure Chat Rate Limit
      • Configure Chat Spam Limit
    • Chat Profanity Filter
      • Register a profane word along with its falsePositive and falseNegative (if client chooses Default as database for chat filtering method)
      • See registered profane words in alphabetical order with non-alphabet characters located after the alphabet ones.
  • Admin Portal page for Match Function. Admin can now create a match function via the Admin Portal.
  • Expiration dates (start & end dates) can now be added to Code Redemptions through the Admin Portal.

Breaking Changes

  • Additional field (key) in the callback in the cloud save OSS interface. This change impacts DeleteUserRecord, ReplaceUserRecord, GetUserRecord, ReplaceGameRecord.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed functional issues in the Admin Portal, Player Portal, Playground & App Editor
  • Minor adjustments of Admin Portal's sidebar on mobile & desktop view
  • Removed the BrandName configuration from the Player Portal meta title
  • Added a new legal feature flag to configure the legal checking functionality within the Player Portal & Launcher