
AGS 3.61.0 リリースノート

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Release date: November 6th, 2023

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK latest version

Extend SDK (previously known as Server SDK) latest version

DSuploader latest version

  • Armada DS Uploader: 1.6.0

Here's a look at what's new in AGS 3.61.0:


  • Introduced a new page in the Admin Portal to configure a country deny list. Accessible from User Management > Countries.
    • Countries that are moved to the deny list will not be listed in the countries dropdown of the Player Portal when a user registers a new account.
  • Flexible Bundle pricing support has been added in the Unity SDK.
  • First-party integration with MPA in AGS Session service has been added.
  • Added a way to do manual (game builds) diffing accessible from the Admin Portal > App Distribution menu by clicking the Update build button.
  • Added bad word filter and validation to the Player Portal, Launcher, and Login website.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Cloud Save Admin Records Server APIs are now exposed in the Unreal SDK and Unity SDK.
  • Default value for the availableDate field in {{ServerEcommerce::QueryItemsByCriteria}} has been updated to use the current time in the Unreal SDK.
  • Introduced the UGC V2 endpoint with improvements in the content download, likes, and upload flows.
  • Improved the Leaderboard hiding and deletion of player data in the Admin Portal.
  • Improved the Statistic Value page in the Admin Portal; now a user can search and sort a list of players by stat code.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes


  • Fixed the subdomain issue in the multi-tenant mode.
  • Fixed the seeding job issue.
  • Fixed basepath ingress mapping collision.

Admin Portal

  • Admins can no longer set multiple pricings within the same region and currency for an item to have overlapping Available From and Expiration Date time ranges.
  • Newly-created IAM clients will now properly have the same Client ID as the one displayed in the IAM client creation modal/form.
  • Pagination is now working properly for the following pages:
    • E-Commerce > Entitlements
    • User Management > Users > {user} > Entitlements
  • Entering a name for a Legal Version of a legal document in Legal Management no longer returns an error when no alphabetical character is inputted.
  • Editing the Redirect URI of an IAM client with an invalid value will now return an error.
  • Adding currency that already exists in E-Commerce > Currencies will now return an error.
  • Improved the UI of the expired invitation page on the Starter Admin Portal to make it clearer.
  • The AGS version now displays in the Starter Admin Portal.
  • Fixed the Analytics v2 page's inability to load if an admin accesses it after opening the App Editor page (and vice versa).
  • Added validation for the UGC channel ID input parameter for updating contents.
  • Fixed the forbidden access page when trying to Add Configuration without the necessary Extend permissions on AGS Starter.


  • Fixed the launcher server-side diffing during the game updates download.
  • Added an error message in the updater pop-up when the launcher update has failed.

Player Portal

  • Banned players will now be prompted with a proper banned notification pop-up after signing-in rather than an “Invalid Page”.
  • A display name is no longer mandatory during account creation.


  • Disabled code generation in game sessions and parties.
  • Fixed reconciling a max active session if a session is not found.
  • Created an endpoint to get the max active session.
  • Added DS status DS_ERROR and PREPARING.


  • Fixed unbalanced teams caused by a timeout in team re-balancing.


  • Fixed unbalanced teams caused by a timeout in team re-balancing.
  • Fixed creating matches with a userId from another namespace.
  • Fixed the backfill party attribute not applying.
  • Fixed the backfilled player optional attributes not recording in the session.


  • Fixed inability to accept friends when the disabled status field is null.
  • Fixed the platform friends returning the incorrect friends list.
  • Attached the FlightID from the game client to the socket logs.


  • Added image upload instructions about the game version format that is allowed
  • Fixed a bug in the Historical Log Page when user using the filter.

Game SDK

  • Fixed a bug in the Unreal SDK wherein ServerEcommerce::GrantUserEntitlements returns a 400 if the array length of FAccelByteModelsEntitlementGrant was 0.
  • Fixed a bug in the Unreal SDK where {{ServerEcommerce::GrantUserEntitlements}} serializes an empty string for {{GrantedCode}} when omitted.
  • The Unity SDK now waits for the Logger Initialization until the config is loaded.