
AGS 3.65.0 リリースノート

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Release date: January 2nd, 2024

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK latest version

Extend SDK (previously known as Server SDK) latest version

DSuploader latest version

  • Armada DS Uploader: 1.6.0


  • Added new support for connecting to Redshift and Snowflake warehouses through analytic connector v2 in the Admin Portal.
  • Introduced a new feature in our User Generated Content (UGC) service that allows the Admin to enable the content review process. When this feature is enabled, any new or updated content will go through a review process and require approval from the Admin before being published. This feature will help ensure the quality and appropriateness of the user-generated content on the platform.
    • Availability for Game SDK will be released by AGS 3.66.
  • Introduced a new endpoint, PublicGetUsersPlatformInfosV3, which is used to return a user's basic info and public information of their third party accounts.
  • Introduced a new page in the Admin Portal, Entitlement Availability, which can be accessed by going to E-Commerce > Entitlements > Entitlement Availability.
    • This page is used for admins to define which sources of Entitlement data that each platform can access, ensuring that data access rights match the current platform of the players (for example, admins can allow/disallow an Xbox client from accessing entitlements that are sourced from PlayStation / Steam / Epic / etc.).
      • Note: This feature is disabled by default, as enabling it could potentially result in a breaking change. For more information, see the Breaking Changes section.
  • Optimized the deployment mechanism for faster and smoother feature development with minimal disruptions.

Quality of life changes

  • Adjusted the flow for connecting data into s3 bucket in connector v2 in Admin Portal:
    • The Field platform is introduced in the connector list page.
    • Upon creating the connector, a new field to select the database platform is available with selection values of S3, Snowflake and Redshift.
      • Step 1 General Configuration pages will provide different fields based on database configuration selection.
      • Step 3 Bucket Policy Script Configuration is changed to Public Key Configuration and will provide different guides for public key configuration based on database configuration selection.
  • Added a notification to the Season Pass service that allows admin users to get notified on the Admin Portal when a Pass item is disabled or deleted.

Breaking Changes

  • Introduced a new page in the Admin Portal, Entitlement Availability, which can be accessed by going to E-Commerce > Entitlements > Entitlement Availability. This page is disabled by default.

    • If enabled, it will have the following impact (Note: Reach out to Support to request enablement):

      • Consumable entitlements synced from IAP/DLC will be stacked by their Platform Source, for example:
        • PlayStation DLC rewards: 5 counts of itemA
        • Xbox DLC rewards: 5 counts of itemA
      • The entitlements will be recorded as follows:
        • Entitlement A (itemA) - origin: Xbox, use count: 5_
        • Entitlement B (itemA) - origin: PlayStation, use count: 5
    • If the Platform field (under the Client SDK Configuration section) of the IAM Client for the game client is configured with a third party platform, i.e., PlayStation, Xbox, etc., when querying for player entitlements, only the entitlements sourced from the configured platform will be returned.

    • The publicSellUserEntitlement and publicConsumeUserEntitlement endpoints will check for an entitlement's Platform Source to see if it can be executed for a specific platform, based on the configuration on the Entitlement Availability page.

      • If it's not allowed, the endpoints will return an error code: 31183 - Entitlement [{entitlementId}] origin [{origin}] not allowed to be operated at [{platform}].

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Admin Portal

  • Enhanced Filters in the Platform Items Table.
  • Added a Clear Filter option. The current filter status is now also displayed.
  • Resolved the header alignment issue persisting across the Admin Portal tables.
  • Standardized the Custom Function table.
  • Standardized the Session Configuration table.
  • Standardized the Session and Parties table.
  • Standardized the Environment Variable table.
  • Ensured uniformity across all tables under the Chat menu.
  • Refactored Achievement Configuration menu in the Admin Portal.
  • Adjusted AccelByte hosted dropdowns to only list running apps in a Cloudsave Custom Configuration.
  • Fixed the issue where the Achievement value menu only showed a blank page in the AGS Starter Admin Portal.
  • Improved the validation of Goal Value in Achievement Configuration.
  • Added UI to support pivot ticket and party composition in Matchmaking Ruleset.
  • Fixed sorting in Session Templates.
  • Revamped Session Templates page.


  • Fixed Re-login after the account deletion request redirects to Failed to complete the request screen.
  • Fixed the issue where clicking the Continue the Deletion button doesn't log out users after the account deletion request.
  • Fixed the issue where clicking the Click here to re-claim your Drops on a Linked account page redirects to a blank page.

Login Website

  • Fixed the issue where a username was not being validated when logging in using a username that contains special characters.


  • Integrated audit logs into the Achievement service.


  • Fixed the issue where an AWS token expired before the actual pre-signed URL expiration time.

Cloud Save

  • Reduced DB calls by caching frequent internal queries into Redis.


  • Fixed the issue where stats without a tag were included in the result when filtered by tags.
  • Fixed the MIN/MAX update strategy logic when updating the current value below the default value.

Season Pass

  • Fixed the response mismatch on the FullSeasonInfo response model.


  • Added an admin endpoint to expose Native Session.
  • Added recent player functionality to the Session service.
  • Added logic for reconnection if the user has already left the session.

Session Worker

  • Added previous status information on update user status in a party.


  • Add logic to consider Stats configuration when creating a match ticket.


  • Implemented config promotion for System Message Configuration.


  • Added handling for case insensitivity in party attributes.
  • Added the option to enable matchmaking between blocked players.


  • Refactored the Managed Server Page in the Admin Portal.
  • Refactored the Image Patch Creation Page in the Admin Portal.
  • Refactored the Image Deployment Detail Page in the Admin Portal.
  • Refactored the Pod Config Creation Page in the Admin Portal.
  • Refactored the Server Create Configuration Modal in the Admin Portal.
  • Added Admin Portal Support for multiple DSMC.
  • Fixed DS overshoot when spawning from overriding version.
  • Fixed the issue where DS from override version is still registered when the session is gone.


  • Enhanced Extend apps status for improved accuracy and informativeness. Users can now expect clearer and more accurate information regarding app deployment statuses.


  • Added a new parameter, includeAllPlatforms, to the PublicGetMyUserV3 endpoint. The default value is false. When set to true, it will return the available public information of all the third party platform accounts that are linked to the account.
  • The following changes are made to the PublicSearchUserV3 endpoint:
    • The parameter by now supports thirdPartyPlatform.
      • Added new query parameters,
        • platformId
        • platformBy


  • Added price and currencyCode to the iapProcessed event.
  • Added a new parameter, fuzzyMatchName to the queryUserEntitlements endpoint. The default value is false. When set to true, the entitlementName parameter will accept fuzzy match search instead of exact match search.


  • The generatedUploadUrl endpoint now supports additional file types for the fileType parameter (mp4, webm).

Game SDK

  • [OSS] Fixed the issue where telemetry events did not write to disk by default.
  • [OSS] Added a new lobby notification delegate.
  • [Unity] Added an override config reload service url option.
  • [OSS][UE] Added recent player functionality to the session service.
  • [UE] Fixed missing feature flag in Enhanced Presence event.